
MJ's Business Pinciples



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There are THREE principles of Mary Jardin:

1. ZERO Cost Business

2. ZERO Cost marketing

3. ZERO Excuses

Dr Maryam started Mary Jardin without any loans from the bank, hence the zero cost business.

The agents also have to pay only a small amount to get started. 
But,  the first 1000th agent got a FREE facial soap costs RM35+postage RM8; so in real they only pay RM7 fee.
Eventhough they dont get any FREE soap, I still think that the RM50 is still worth-it, because we get direct free coaching and trainings from the CEO+supportive group members. You'll never walk alone :)

The agents @ stockist are not required to buy certain amount of stocks from the HQ, therefore they need not withdraw their money to pay for the unconfirmed stocks.

Anyhow, since the sales of Mary Jardin is always fast and rocketing, the agents and stockist will usually keep some amount of products at hand :)

Because customers' demand is so high, sometimes we cant cater.

For example, we dont have Collagen Serum currently. All 1000 bottles of serum was grabbed during the pre-order. It is expected to be in the HQ stocks by end of January.

To be honest, everyday there'll be agents asking serum around. Serum + Soap. Those two are still unavailable. Huu

Zero excuses. Yeah, if you wanna succeed, then you ought to make zero excuses. Just do it!


Thank you for reading this entry :)

Good night.

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