
Magnificent Face Oil




When i joined Mary jardin, the first product  i tried was Face Oil.
It smells so lavenderish (is there such word :p)
I asked my mom to try it and put 1-2 drops on her, and guess what she said ?
"so stingy" hahaha
Actually, we have to use it few drops only, okayy and it's not me being stingy :)

I also asked my younger brothers to try it on 
When i was doing 'Face Steaming' at home, my lil sister was non-stop asking; 
"kak buat gapo tuh" ; hehe

*I'll story about face steaming using face oil later

What's so good about this Face Oil??

1. Great moisturizer
-Olive and coconut oil is very suitable to moisturise our skin
-If you have dry skin problem @ sensitive skin, you can try this one
-For me, i totally agree that this one is a great moisturizer since my skin feels really moisturized and soft 
-I cant help to always touch my face. hihi

2. Cleanser
-You can also use face oil as your make-up cleanser. 
-It will effectively remove dirts from your face
-Applying FO wil not dry your skin
-And, though its name is oil, it will not cause your face becomes more oily
-Use oil to cleanse your oily face? How does that make sense to you? But it really did :D

3. Anti-acne
-Yeaah, it works!!
-You must try this face oil, especially if you have acne breakouts
-This magic potion will fight acne

4. Reduce scars

5. Heal sunburn

6. Balance excess oil-production

7. Good for eczema
-there are lots of testimonies from mommies who applied face oil to their babies and alhamdulillah, it works :D


"A picture speaks a thousand word "
As you can see from the pic above, the ingredients are all listed and they are prime ingredients too

Dr Maryam said that she wanted to create a lavish blend of oil at an affordable price and yess.. Here it is!

If you try to compare between MJ's Face Oil and the others, you'll be thankful that you can own this one at a very reasonable price :)


There's a bunch of testimonies i would love to share, but since my laptop is not doing well, i just cant upload more today. In sha Allah, will do later :)

face oil usage for one month; see the difference!


1-2 drops of face oil on your palm
Apply on your face @ any other parts you want 
Done :)

You can use Face Oil twice daily
After morning shower an before going to bed
Men and women and babies can use this
No harm, since it has no chemical 

Thank you for reading this entry :)
You are always welcome to contact me by FB or whatsapp. Thanks :D

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