
How to Register as an Agent


Assalamualaikum :)
I'll explain the steps to register as MJ agent right now :)
It's easy peasy and you can do it this instant!

Transfer or pay RM50 agent fee to Dr Maryam's bank account @ Dr Athiq's bank account

Register as agent at the website maryjardinbeauty.com

Wait for approval from HQ and later you can Log In as Mary Jardin's Agent :D

As easy as that and you are ready to rock :p

You are encouraged to approach an agent to register yourself, meaning if you knew somebody (could be your friend) who is already an agent, you can register by her.

If you register directly without referring any agents, the HQ will pass you to any stockists.

Once you are approved as agent, you will be placed in at least two groups. First, the main group consisting of all agents worldwide , the second is group with your stockist.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much bonus will I get  as agent?
For every sales, you will get 15% 
But, you can actually earn up to 50% of total sales.
*Register now to know how ;)

2. How can i become a stockist?
Unlike some other business, to be qualified as a stockist, you have to buy certain amount of stocks; at MJ you'll be promoted as a stockist once your Total Group Sales reached RM15K

3. How to place order?
You can place your order through the website @ your stockist

4. I dont know how to sell. Is it possible for me to join?
Yes, we  welcome anybody either experienced or inexperinced to join our team. 
You'll be trained and guided along the way and will have direct coaching from the CEO herself.

I think that's all for now.

Thank you for reading this entry :)

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