


Image result for positive quotes


Recently, I watched the second FB Live from Dr Maryam (Mary Jardin's CEO); and she talked about two important things you must have when you do business.


Dr Maryam said that she joined many business classes for the past two years (when she was in Shaklee). I mean here, formal business classes like Roket Emel (Najib Assadok) and Azizan Osman's IMKK.

One thing you will indirectly get when you joined such classes is you will be in a great positive circle. 

The first business book I read, if im not mistaken was 'Bagaimana Memulakan Bisnes Sendiri' by Pn Ainon Mohd, the big boss behind PTS Publication House. 

Im a newbie in business and im looking forward to learn and learn and learn. In sha Allah.


We should have somebody that we can always refer to for our business. 

To succeed, we must copy paste what has been done by those successful people. 


Oh yeah, Dr Maryam also mentioned that MJ will start airing talk shows :0
That sounds great. 
Cant wait to watch :D
Now, Mary Jardinian is all busied with the preparations for Mood Republik from 23-25th December at PWTC, KL and PERSADA, JB.

That's all for now. 
Thank you for reading this entry :)

* I have this one problem, my post always appear to be centred when actually i dont want it to appear so :'(
Does anybody know how to fix it? Huu. Please comment.

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