
Last Day of The Year


Image result for be grateful tumblr
Alhamdulillah :)

May the coming year is a better year for us :)

Always find something we should be grateful of.

There must be. The least is being grateful for being alive, today.

Alhamdulillah for year 2016 and am welcoming 2017.

detox clay mask

Oil Cleansing Method (OCM)


Image result for Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) mary jardin
Let's try this today!
Assalamualaikum :)


The basic concept of Oil Cleansing Method (OCM afterwards) can be understood from the name itself. The oil used will dissolve the unwanted dirts or impurities that is clogging your skin. The steam will unclog your pores, and the unwanted dirts will be removed easily. 

The objective of OCM is for deep cleansing while balancing our skins oil production.  


1. Wash your hands 
2. Wash your face with warm water
3. Prepare hot water in a glass bowl
4. Put 2-3 drops of Face Oil into the hot water
5. Place your face near the surface of hot water for 2-3 minutes
6. Apply Detox Clay Mask, rub gently on your skin face
7. Wait for 10-15 minutes, take your time to cool down and relax. Think of something calming and mind soothing
8. Remove the masker with warm water
9. Use a washcloth @ microfibre towel to gently dry your face
10. By now, your skin should glow :D


This deep cleansing is necessary for a healthy and glowy skin and believe me, your face will look cleaner and natural even without make-ups.

However, take note that perfect skin cannot be achieved overnight, it'll take time to restore your face to the natural beauty. Anyhow, i guarantee that you'll feel the difference on your skin on your first try :)

with  our Face Oil and Detox Clay Mask, you need not worry about how much to mix this and that :) It's already there for you :)


OCM works !

use Face Oil + Detox Clay Mask to remove whitehead and blackhead

Thanks for reading this entry :)
Please comment and share if you find this beneficial !

face oil

Comedogenic Rating Face Oil


Assalamualaikum. Good afternoon gorgeous :D

face oil formulated from many types of premium oils 


-Tends to clog pores especially by the formation of blackheads
-In simple words, the ratings of oil that will cause acne


0 - Will Not Clog Pores
1 - Low
2 - Moderately Low
3 - Moderate
4 - Fairly High
5 - High


From the photo, you may see that the highest rating of oil available in our luxury face oil is only 2 :)

Our face oil is really safe and sound for you and it proved to be combating many skin problems

So long you stick to the oils in the range of 0-2, you'll be fine. this low to medium comedogenic rating makes this face Oil perfect to use or if you want to use it separately, like Argan Oil.

Mind you, the face oil is formulated from 100% natural botanical oil. 
it will deeply nourish your skin, moisten and restore youthful glow :)


after-effect face oil

Thank you for reading this entry!
Next post will be on OCM. Stay tuned

detox clay mask

Detox Clay Mask



Alright. Tonight, I'll share about our next premium product: Detox Clay Mask


Detox Clay Mask (DCM) is a clay masker mainly from Bentonite Clay & French Green Clay

Face mask is a regime that is good and healthy for the skin and is suggested to be applied weekly.

You can use DCM 1-2 times a week, depending on your skin.

Both men and women may use the mask. Infact, all ages are suitable. No worries :)


1. Relaxation 

-Face mask offers not only comprehensive improvement to your skin, it is also a silent therapy. Serious ^_^

-facial treatment is assumed as a luxurios, but with this DCM, you need not spend that much to enjoy it. Yeah!!

2. Deep Cleansing

- This natural clay mask will help to remove dead skin cells, promotes cell renewal and repair.

- DCM works like a clorox to our face. You can feel the difference at the first time you use it !

3. Clean the clogged pores

- Bentonite clay in the face mask will remove the dirts and absorb excessive oil

- The main reason for acnes to appear is due to the clogged pores, housing bad bacterias


See?? I told you, everybody can use it :D


This mask is formulated with natural clays, activated charcoal, green papaya extract, oat, dried lavender buds and zinc oxide 


Mary Jardin Detox Clay Mask provides protection for your skin through 3 powerful actions

1. Deep pore cleansing adn gentle exfloiation
2. Skin renewal and repair
3. Moisturising and reduce skin irritation & sensitivity 

Stay tuned for my next post okay, on comedogenic rating :)

Thank you for reading this entry!

Please claim your COACH handbag


   Check this out girls!!

  You stand a chance to own a Coach handbag 😱

  ONLY during the one hour live session tomorrow!

Lock your date and time okay :D


Meet Our Collagen Serum


Assalamualaikum 😍

Haih. This serum really troubles me 😂
The customers want to try this, but no available stock as of now. Huu

We've to wait till end of January for the second batch of serum to be released.

The first thousand serum was about one month back.

Every single day, there must be agents asking around for serum.  Hot item!

Will be available end of January!


Our serum is water-based, hence preservatives need to be added, to ensure it lasts longer. Else, it will last for only a week. haha

All water-based products is compulsory to add preservatives.

But, rest assured that our preservative is the safest available :)


Mary Jardin X Mood Republik


Assalamualaikum girlss :D

How are you doing? :)

do visit our small garden :p

meet the lavender ladies

free goodies

Dr Maryam(the middle one)and the lavender ladies :)

I was kinda more occupied today, will continue my sharing tomorrow okay :D

Stay tuned :)

*Wait!! Do you spot something special and cute?? 
Yeah, the apron. So lovely. Guess what? Dr Maryam sewed the apron herself + help of her mother in laws. Masha Allah. 




Image result for positive quotes


Recently, I watched the second FB Live from Dr Maryam (Mary Jardin's CEO); and she talked about two important things you must have when you do business.


Dr Maryam said that she joined many business classes for the past two years (when she was in Shaklee). I mean here, formal business classes like Roket Emel (Najib Assadok) and Azizan Osman's IMKK.

One thing you will indirectly get when you joined such classes is you will be in a great positive circle. 

The first business book I read, if im not mistaken was 'Bagaimana Memulakan Bisnes Sendiri' by Pn Ainon Mohd, the big boss behind PTS Publication House. 

Im a newbie in business and im looking forward to learn and learn and learn. In sha Allah.


We should have somebody that we can always refer to for our business. 

To succeed, we must copy paste what has been done by those successful people. 


Oh yeah, Dr Maryam also mentioned that MJ will start airing talk shows :0
That sounds great. 
Cant wait to watch :D
Now, Mary Jardinian is all busied with the preparations for Mood Republik from 23-25th December at PWTC, KL and PERSADA, JB.

That's all for now. 
Thank you for reading this entry :)

* I have this one problem, my post always appear to be centred when actually i dont want it to appear so :'(
Does anybody know how to fix it? Huu. Please comment.

face oil

Magnificent Face Oil




When i joined Mary jardin, the first product  i tried was Face Oil.
It smells so lavenderish (is there such word :p)
I asked my mom to try it and put 1-2 drops on her, and guess what she said ?
"so stingy" hahaha
Actually, we have to use it few drops only, okayy and it's not me being stingy :)

I also asked my younger brothers to try it on 
When i was doing 'Face Steaming' at home, my lil sister was non-stop asking; 
"kak buat gapo tuh" ; hehe

*I'll story about face steaming using face oil later

What's so good about this Face Oil??

1. Great moisturizer
-Olive and coconut oil is very suitable to moisturise our skin
-If you have dry skin problem @ sensitive skin, you can try this one
-For me, i totally agree that this one is a great moisturizer since my skin feels really moisturized and soft 
-I cant help to always touch my face. hihi

2. Cleanser
-You can also use face oil as your make-up cleanser. 
-It will effectively remove dirts from your face
-Applying FO wil not dry your skin
-And, though its name is oil, it will not cause your face becomes more oily
-Use oil to cleanse your oily face? How does that make sense to you? But it really did :D

3. Anti-acne
-Yeaah, it works!!
-You must try this face oil, especially if you have acne breakouts
-This magic potion will fight acne

4. Reduce scars

5. Heal sunburn

6. Balance excess oil-production

7. Good for eczema
-there are lots of testimonies from mommies who applied face oil to their babies and alhamdulillah, it works :D


"A picture speaks a thousand word "
As you can see from the pic above, the ingredients are all listed and they are prime ingredients too

Dr Maryam said that she wanted to create a lavish blend of oil at an affordable price and yess.. Here it is!

If you try to compare between MJ's Face Oil and the others, you'll be thankful that you can own this one at a very reasonable price :)


There's a bunch of testimonies i would love to share, but since my laptop is not doing well, i just cant upload more today. In sha Allah, will do later :)

face oil usage for one month; see the difference!


1-2 drops of face oil on your palm
Apply on your face @ any other parts you want 
Done :)

You can use Face Oil twice daily
After morning shower an before going to bed
Men and women and babies can use this
No harm, since it has no chemical 

Thank you for reading this entry :)
You are always welcome to contact me by FB or whatsapp. Thanks :D

Facial Soap

Facial Soap


facial soap

It is now raining in Gombak. Alhamdulillah.

This morning, I will share few things about our facial soap. 
I'll basically discuss this way, according to the rank (soap > face oil > detox clay mask > collagen serum.



1. MJ's Facial Soap is softer than the ones in the market because it is made fully from the goat milk without water addition

2. It hardens at room temperature with no chemical added to harden it automatically.

3. It means, soap produced today will be available one month from now, because it takes about that period to harden by itself

3. I recalled when the soap delivered to customers were not yet harden, the customers then had to leave it at room temperature to allow it to harden by nature 

(Why sell when it is still incomplete; not harden fully? because the customers want it fast and just cant wait for another batch of production to be completed :D It's their choice anyways, but worry not because our team always ensure that things go well for the customers :)

3. The life shelf is six months after the production date.


As you can see, there are 10 ingredients involved :)
Each of them has their own benefits for the skin.

The four types of oil will balance the natural oil on our face and moisturise it.

FS cleans the pores and moisturise our face adn this soap is suitable for anybody who has dry skin problem, eczema, sensitive skin and acne.

This soap is without paraben; which can reduce the risk of cancer. In sha Allah.


Use the soap twice daily and not encouraged to apply the soap more than times suggested, since it will lead to strip off natural oil on the skin layer.

Cut the soap into small pieces and the estimated period of usage can go up to two months :)




MJ's Business Pinciples



Image result for lavender

There are THREE principles of Mary Jardin:

1. ZERO Cost Business

2. ZERO Cost marketing

3. ZERO Excuses

Dr Maryam started Mary Jardin without any loans from the bank, hence the zero cost business.

The agents also have to pay only a small amount to get started. 
But,  the first 1000th agent got a FREE facial soap costs RM35+postage RM8; so in real they only pay RM7 fee.
Eventhough they dont get any FREE soap, I still think that the RM50 is still worth-it, because we get direct free coaching and trainings from the CEO+supportive group members. You'll never walk alone :)

The agents @ stockist are not required to buy certain amount of stocks from the HQ, therefore they need not withdraw their money to pay for the unconfirmed stocks.

Anyhow, since the sales of Mary Jardin is always fast and rocketing, the agents and stockist will usually keep some amount of products at hand :)

Because customers' demand is so high, sometimes we cant cater.

For example, we dont have Collagen Serum currently. All 1000 bottles of serum was grabbed during the pre-order. It is expected to be in the HQ stocks by end of January.

To be honest, everyday there'll be agents asking serum around. Serum + Soap. Those two are still unavailable. Huu

Zero excuses. Yeah, if you wanna succeed, then you ought to make zero excuses. Just do it!


Thank you for reading this entry :)

Good night.

reg agen

How to Register as an Agent


Assalamualaikum :)
I'll explain the steps to register as MJ agent right now :)
It's easy peasy and you can do it this instant!

Transfer or pay RM50 agent fee to Dr Maryam's bank account @ Dr Athiq's bank account

Register as agent at the website maryjardinbeauty.com

Wait for approval from HQ and later you can Log In as Mary Jardin's Agent :D

As easy as that and you are ready to rock :p

You are encouraged to approach an agent to register yourself, meaning if you knew somebody (could be your friend) who is already an agent, you can register by her.

If you register directly without referring any agents, the HQ will pass you to any stockists.

Once you are approved as agent, you will be placed in at least two groups. First, the main group consisting of all agents worldwide , the second is group with your stockist.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much bonus will I get  as agent?
For every sales, you will get 15% 
But, you can actually earn up to 50% of total sales.
*Register now to know how ;)

2. How can i become a stockist?
Unlike some other business, to be qualified as a stockist, you have to buy certain amount of stocks; at MJ you'll be promoted as a stockist once your Total Group Sales reached RM15K

3. How to place order?
You can place your order through the website @ your stockist

4. I dont know how to sell. Is it possible for me to join?
Yes, we  welcome anybody either experienced or inexperinced to join our team. 
You'll be trained and guided along the way and will have direct coaching from the CEO herself.

I think that's all for now.

Thank you for reading this entry :)


Get to Know Mary Jardin



In this post, I'll brief what is Mary Jardin okay :)

MARY JARDIN is a natural and organic skincare based in Malaysia

It was founded by a Muslimah doctor, Dr. Maryam as the CEO. She worked as a medical officer for about five years and had just resigned to focus solely in this business or so I think. hehe

Mary Jardin Skincare made use of lavender theme in its product packaging as well as the ingredients.

It is still very fresh in the market, about to turn 4 months but the sale is already rocketing to the moon. hhehe

Mary Jardin already surpassed its RM1 million sales shortly after three months of product launch.

MJ also has over than 1K sales agents. This proved that it has grown very fast compared to its existence just three months ago.

There are four products as of now :
1. Facial Soap
2. Face Oil
3. Detox Clay Mask
4. Collagen Serum

All are homemade, except for collagen serum since it is water based, which needs to add preservative to last long (for a reasonable period of time at least). Else, i will only last for five days :0

I'll start stuffing you with all the good infos on these four items from time to time. worry not, okay :)

Now, come to the part; Why did I choose Mary Jardin?

I was attracted to its premium and exclusive looks at first which arouse my curiosity. Haha
I started researching what the heck  is this. hehe. 
I signep up for a free class from Dr.Maryam just few days afterwards, registered to be an agent and alhamdulilllah.. The rest is history :D


What? you also want to register as agent? Yeah, sure.
Please find the steps to become one in my next post.

Not that? Oh, you wanna give Mary Jardin a try? Just want to have a taste of what is driving MJ sales so rapid? haha. yeah, please do so :)



Salam Taaruf



Hello guys :)
Firstly, thank you so much for visiting my blog. Warm welcome to you :D

Let me introduce myself.
Im Nur Anis Pauzi, from Tumpat, Kelantan and currently residing in Gombak.
You can call me anis ;)

I graduated from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak both for my first degree (BSc Islamic Finance) and my master's degree (MSc Finance).

I created this blog for the purpose sharing the infos on Mary Jardin Natural and Organic Skincare plus a medium for me to share a whole bunch of testimonies from our customers. 

You are always welcomed to visit my site and please leave comments for any improvements.

Thank you.
Jazakallah khairal jaza' 