
Beauty Superfood


Bismillah. Assalamualaikum.

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word pea caught me this. the old time favorite :D

Mary Jardin has expanded tremendously beyond its age and i need to frequently  catch up with the latest system and new products being launched to the market.

As of today, we have Skincare, Bodycare and Beauty Superfood and Homespa. 

For this post, I wanna introduce you girls to Beauty Superfood ; AstaCera-Col, Anti-Oxidant Drink (Oxi-Vit) and Pea Protein Drink.

I am yet to study about these superfood and waiting for Dr Maryam to elaborate on them soon through Hilde TV.

Image result for astacera col benefits
comes in sachet 
Image result for pea protein mary jardin

Image result for pea protein mary jardin

I heard pea protein is yet to penetrate Malaysian market and MJ is the first to come out with pea protein drink. As the name suggests, it is based from pea. 

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from google images

I'll try to write posts for each super food respectively later. 

Till then. Wassalam. 

Mary Jardin Gombak

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