
Business Concept from The Alchemist


Assalamualaikum everyone. Hope you are doing fine :)

about 200 pages

This would be the nth time i read The Alchemist. Even so, i still find precious and new knowledge everytime i read. 

And, this time it is about business! Yes, you heard it right. Paulo Coelho did explain a very crucial business concept that was highlighted by The Hasbul Brothers last week. 


Business should be all about problem solvings. For example, people want to eat scrumptious food but they cant go out for various reasons so you provide food delivery. Women find it hard to wear muslimah cutting dress (covers aurah properly), so you sell aurah friendly dress. And, if ladies out there are scared with those unnecessary chemicals applied on their face, you offer them Mary Jardin hehe. 

Focus on the bottom part. He says, "Let's sell tea to the people who climb the hill" 

Santiago worked at a crystal glassware shop on the top of a hill. One day, he saw people were exhausted and thirsty after the climb and an idea popped out, to sell tea and distinguished from the other. 

When he presented this new business side, his employer refused saying there are lots of stalls selling tea already. 

But, Santiago did not stop there. He innovated that idea. He said, we could sell tea in crystal glasses. People would want to enjoy tea and buy the crystal glasses. WOW! 

Sipping fresh mint tea from crystal glass after a tiring climb sounds gorgeous :D

And news spread fast. Let's see the customers's response; 

can you see the text?

They said 

- he's gonna entertain guests tonight and tea served in beautiful crystal glasses will not fail to impress them
- tea taste better in a crystal glass
- relate to magical powers 

See? What has Santiago done? He took the idea and innovated the idea. From just drinking tea, they bought the crystal glass too. 


Problem is the employer didnt want to sell tea due to saturated supply.

Santiago the boy converted the problem to opportunity and that has doubled or tripled their earnings, forcing the employer to hire new staffs. 


Avoid focusing on the product, instead stress heavily on the problems you offer to solve. 

We, at Mary Jardin are offering you organic and natural skincare routine, with minimal make-up required. 

Thanks for reading this entry. Wassalam. 

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