


Assalamualaikum. Hai all.

looking more sophisticated + exclusive

I havent introduced our new logo more formally, so here it is!

what say you? please say only nice things okayy

Now we have TWO taglines - Every Woman's Dream & Handcrafted Luxury.

Do you like it?

When Dr A first showed this photo to us, agents - i was like, how come it is so not beautiful? I want the old one. Please dont replace it :0

But, mind you beautiful is inadequate in business. It needs to be marketable and long lasting + has some exquisite features, like the new logo :D

Only after some time, i could see the beauty and exquisiteness of this new logo. Yeah. We want to market this for long term and reaching overseas users. (its true we have agents in many other countries, but still among Malaysians. Foreigners, if any is not abundant)

I do have 1 (so sad, only one) customer, a Bangladeshi, my classmates back in IIUM. Im glad she fall in love with our brand :)

Hence, this rebranding suits MJ perfectly and im proud to be part of it. 

thanks for making my life easier 

Not only that, we also have a new website. We have one before, but frequently got jammed (high traffic), agents always had problem to order. Dr M and Dr A upgraded the web and during the process, we too had many loopholes but at last, it is for our own sake. And now, ordering the items are going on very smooth alhamdulillah. Our sales record are also updated simultaneously with the order. 

Oh, one more exciting (or is it not) thing is, we have MJ Superstars. Adrenaline rush when seeing you in the list although only for a day hihi. I have to wark harder to make it into the list. When you can see directly others' performance and sales, you'll boost yourself. 

first timer, in the Top 100 list among 3.8K agents 

Celebrate the small success, the bigger ones will follow in sha Allah :)

I should stop here, midnight approaching fast. Thanks for reading this entry. 

Do visit again and leave some marks :)

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