
What does our Collagen Serum has to offer??



i present you the ingredients. will blog about each one later :)

So far, Mary Jardin has only released 1000 pieces of Collagen serum in December last year. And up until today, the second batch is not yet released causing an uproar among the agents and has become a hot topic and a lengthy discussion with the CEO. hhehe

Lets check out first what is sooo good about this serum :D


+ repair our skin 
+ anti-aging 
+ remove pigmentation 
+ fight acne effectively 
+ remove acne scars / spots 
+ repair our skin tone 
+ remove stretchmark 
+ contain natural whitening power - Arbutin  
+ protect the skin from pigmentation
+ protect our skin from UV ray - has SPF 30 (knight with armors ;) 

main function


Okei lah, sometimes talking without proving will fail to entice you. hehe. 
Please have a look at these 2 photos. Open your eyes widely okayy. 

serum is working its MAGIC only after 3 days!

emm. did you notice any changes as i do??

you may cross refer to other posts on serum here :)


Serum is yet to be released as loose item, but good news is; it is available as Full Set :D

Wanna know further?? Do contact me at this link :) (**very very limited stock) 

Just Click Here

Thanks for reading this entry. Stay tuned okay. Next will be sharing about a book i recently read.


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