
Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War



I’ll share few great tips from applying Sun Tzu’s Art of War in Selling, a mini-book by Khoo Kheng Her.

Beforehand, i assume that you are familiar with Sun Tzu’s Art of War book right? It is a book on military strategy written some 2500 years ago by a Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu. Thus, this book elaborates how to apply the art of war in Selling. 

2500 years is not a short time, if it is still valid today, it verifies a thing; that the book is worth reading J oh wait, by the way this is not the Art of War by Sun Tzu, but the author extracts the strategies to suit the book title; in selling :D

This mini book is divided into three parts;

I cannot miss any parts because i think that all the points are relevant and not so lengthy. Hence, i’ll put the heading for each here, okay :D

library's book

The First Battlefield - Your Mindset
  •         Have confidence in yourself and your products
  •         Have the will to sell
  •         Cultivate 5 crucial habits

Wisdom - start by seeking knowledge
Sincerity - have passion in what you do & passion in wanting to do more
Benevolence - be kind at heart
Courage - have the ability to face challenges
Strictness - practice self-discipline

Know your enemy, know yourself, and your victory will not be threatened. Know the terrain, know the weather, and your victory will be complete - Sun Tzu 

The Second Battlefield - Your Workplace
  •       No man is an island – must work in groups
  •        Be sincere as to gain your colleagues’ support
  More planning shall give more chances of victory, while less planning, less chances of victory. So, how about totally without planning? -Sun Tzu 

The Third Battlefield - Your Customer
  •     Planning is critical to your success
  •       Strategic selling through cultivating prospects today
  •       Focus on your customer
  •       Make it easy for your customers to buy
  •       Know the players
  •       Focus on benefits – NOT prices
  •        Discipline yourself to be early for appointments
  •       Dsicipline yourself to work fast
  •      Change your way of doing things when it is necessary to do so
    Speed is the essence of war - Sun Tzu 

Thanks for reading this entry :)


What does our Collagen Serum has to offer??



i present you the ingredients. will blog about each one later :)

So far, Mary Jardin has only released 1000 pieces of Collagen serum in December last year. And up until today, the second batch is not yet released causing an uproar among the agents and has become a hot topic and a lengthy discussion with the CEO. hhehe

Lets check out first what is sooo good about this serum :D


+ repair our skin 
+ anti-aging 
+ remove pigmentation 
+ fight acne effectively 
+ remove acne scars / spots 
+ repair our skin tone 
+ remove stretchmark 
+ contain natural whitening power - Arbutin  
+ protect the skin from pigmentation
+ protect our skin from UV ray - has SPF 30 (knight with armors ;) 

main function


Okei lah, sometimes talking without proving will fail to entice you. hehe. 
Please have a look at these 2 photos. Open your eyes widely okayy. 

serum is working its MAGIC only after 3 days!

emm. did you notice any changes as i do??

you may cross refer to other posts on serum here :)


Serum is yet to be released as loose item, but good news is; it is available as Full Set :D

Wanna know further?? Do contact me at this link :) (**very very limited stock) 

Just Click Here

Thanks for reading this entry. Stay tuned okay. Next will be sharing about a book i recently read.


mary jardin

Get Inspired By CEO


I start this new day with bismillahirrahmanirrahim. 
A day full of spirit, full of hope

May today be better than yesterday and all the days that have passed.

When I created Mary Jardin with the tagline Every Woman's Dream, what came to my mind was a profile.

A profile of a young and ambitious lady, a career woman yet kept so grounded and very loving, surrounded by her kids. She looks so free and happy. She is filthy rich. She is extremely confident. She dresses up very elegantly. She walks straight up, she smiles and laugh contagiously and appears completely stress free! She rides in a luxury car, she gives effortlessly to anybody who ask anything from her. Happy. Free. Elegant.

She never forget her connection with Allah. She asks for guidance and strength from Him. She tries to live by the Quran. She turns to Him whenever she feel that life becomes very overwhelming. She is extraordinarily beautiful as she is full of patience, gratitude and redha.

This is a vision and visualization.

I always try to visualize myself as that woman. And i put my vision to be that woman. A vision is something that seems stretched. Bukan benda yang dah ada depan mata. Tapi benda yang rasa macam nak capai, boleh ke ni nak capai? That is a vision.

I live by that vision every single day. And I wake up everyday feeling very refreshed and pumped up.

If I did not achieve it yesterday, I have today, a FULL DAY to try again :)

I hope all of you find a vision that can keep your spirit high, EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Hardship is bread and butter of life. But we are perceived according to how we handle hardship.

If we overcome it elegantly, we are elegant. If we overcome it sophisticatedly, we are sophisticated. If we whine all the time, we are grumpy. If we cry and do nothing, we are such a looser. So choose a standard for yourself :)

Good morning!!! 

Dr Maryam al Batul


* Wow. How much i admire this writing! Precise and concise :)

mary jardin

Hmm.. What title should you be??



Last night, a lady asked me what is Mary Jardin? 

I told myself. Wow. This is good. An opportunity for me to introduce this ever special brand to her. 

And, in case you also wonder, today i'll present you a simplified version of each item(except collagen serum) and what it will do to your skin. Please read on!


Lasts for about 2 months or more if you use it thriftily :p



These 3 items forms a luxurious lavender bouquet for your skin. I really fall in love in them <3

Mary Jardin not only offers the premium for your skin but also at an affordable price. 

It does magic to many women out there. Mind you, it smells so good, gives a sensational therapy for you :)

Wanna see the magic??? 

Im not bluffing here, okay.

See below.


My jaw dropped when i first see this testimony. I was like.. " could this be true???"

My sympathy goes to that sister :) Because you know, i am sure she is grateful for having a safe skincare product and the best for her now. She's a transformed girl. Alhamdulillah. 

Im glad for her. The sole reason i braved myself to try on MJ at first because i know it is free from dangerous chemical. In fact, it is natural and organic and homemade and the BESTEST (hahah. pardon me for exaggerating here :p)

You too should have a go at it and be loyal, okay !

Next, i'll post about the most awaited item so bad it created a lengthy discussion between the agents and CEO. Heheh. Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading this post :)



Frequently-Asked Question (FAQ)




Q: Is it suitable for those having eczema problem to apply Facial Soap?
A: It depends on the eczema, whether it is too bad or not. Our Facial Soap is not a medication for eczema but it may help to reduce the effect of eczema.

Q: Is it suitable for those having eczema problem to apply Face Oil?
A: Again, it depends on the skin condition itself. Some may find it very suitable, but some others dont. Generally, the face oil is good for eczema because it moisturizes the skin. 

Q: Can we use Face oil to treat Psoriasis?
A: It can be used but not as to treat the Psoriasis since Psoriasis needed a stronger medication. 

Q: Is Mary Jardin products applicable to men?
A: Yes. It is safe for men, women and children. 

Q: Can we mix the usage of Mary Jardin products with other beauty products? 
A: Yes, but it is not advisable, especially if the other product is high in chemical substance whilst ours is organic and natural. 

Q: Is Face Oil applicable to dry, oily and sensitive skin?
A: Yes. face oil will regulate the production of oils and will balance the production. The face will no longer be too oily and too dry. It's just nice :)

Q: Is Mary Jardin an overseas product?
A: No. Mary Jardin is based in Jitra, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. 


applicable to men and women

if face oil helps you feel better, then we also feel good :)

Beautiful skin requires a high commitment, not only depending 100 per cent on skin care.

Alright. That's all for today. 
Thank you for reading this entry.

Stay tuned for my next updates. Wassalam. 


Dear March! Please Be Nice :)



How are you doing? Im fine and so energetic to rock the month :D

Yeah. Im sorry for being absent for the whole month in February. I didnt mean it. hehe

Its Friday today and I just wanna share a powerful thought that might boost you as much it does to me. 


Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life most people wont,

So that you can spend the rest of your life most people cant. 

This is sooo TRUE.

Let be honest, I've just jump into this 'business' thing last 3 months and for sure i'm still struggling and yet learning along the way.

Day by day I feel like I can do something better and I must do more.

lavenders everywhere :p

During campus life, I recalled a lecturer saying that if average student does 20 maths exercises, then to be on top of the average @ brilliant, you must do double and triple the amount the average student do.

This applies in real life too.

If you're just doing what other is doing, you'll get the same results like it or not.

Im already a fourth of the century and unfortunately im thinking that i havent done nothing insignificant all these years. Huu (Hey, wake up!)

Alright, lets get back on the track. For now, i think that's all i wanna share. 

Guess what, I've already create a facebook page + telegram channel for this purpose. I'll get you updated when it's official okay ;)

Along the way, I meet so many business mentors through online platform. I follow them, subscribe to their posts and i realised there is sooo much more to be digged out. 

Send your prayers to me,okay. I wish you all the best :)

Till then. Wassalam.