
Unique Selling Point



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We deliver lavender from the wilderness right to your skin :)

Tonight, I'll share about Unique Selling Point (USP) of Mary Jardin.
Wait. Beforehand, what is USP? Anyone?? 


The unique selling proposition (USP) or unique selling point is a marketing concept first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern in successful advertising campaigns of the early 1940s. The USP states that such campaigns made unique propositions to customers that convinced them to switch brands. The term was developed by television advertising pioneer Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Theodore Levitt, a professor at Harvard Business School, suggested that, "Differentiation is one of the most important strategic and tactical activities in which companies must constantly engage."[1] The term has been used to describe one's "personal brand" in the marketplace.[2] Today, the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects. (Source)

Simply put, USP is something that distinguishes your product from other brands.
I hope you got it! :)


  • Skincare product
  • Plant-based
  • Ingredients; from organic source
  • Founded by a medical doctor with experience in dermatologist area
  • Vegetarian-friendly 
  • Homemade
  • Exclusive packaging
  • Premium 
  • Affordable price


I am so grateful knowing this product and would love to share my happiness with you.
I've never used any skincare before, but this first experience proved to be the best and absolutely, I'll stay at Mary Jardin's territory. Hehe

I am proud the fact that Dr.Maryam al Batul, the founder is an IIUM-Alumni :D

She really nailed it!

This is the product that is awaited by many, i bet. No wonder it achieved it first million ringgit sales only after three months of launching the brand. Superb!!

I do believe that when people mention about safe skincare, without harmful chemicals ; MJ will now top the list. Yeahh.

That's all for tonight.

Thanks for reading this entry :)


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