face oil

A Comparison of Face Oils



As promised, we'll see some comparisons in the prices of face oils in the market.
I recall Dr. Maryam once said that bringing ourselves to organic lifestyle isn't cheap, and I believe she tried her best to bring her products at an affordable price. 

I also received feedback from customers that MJ's price is affordable compared to its premium quality. 


It's 30 ml. For 15 ml, it'll equal to RM99.50

from Sephora website

contains pure essential oils that penetrates easily into your skin :D


can be used from head to toe
Thanks for reading this entry :)

Next, I'll share the Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) on Mary Jardin.
Stay tuned, okay!

face oil

Face Cream vs Face Oil



so, what say you? :D

Did you notice, that Mary Jardin has no creams in their range of products? Be it day cream@night cream? In most local skincares, there must be such creams. 
I also have customerd asking the same questions.
Didnt Mary Jardin has day or night creams??

In this entry, I'll explain the differences between these two :)

+ Actually, cream / lotion usually have mineral oil, water and wax. When there is the presence of wax, it will clog our pores, causing acnes, whiteheads and blackheads. This explains why we may feel sticky after applying creams. 

+ The more often we apply creams on our face, wax will increase, thereby blocking the way for the ingredients/elements in the cream to diffuse right into the skin. You might notice, that along the way in your cream application, your face may not look as bright as before, and you looking dull unfortunately :'(

+ At the same time, when there is water in the cream (water-based cream), this will encourage the growth of bacteria. Hence, preservative is added to block the bacteria and to ensure that the cream may last for a reasonable period of time.

+ As we know, all these preservatives are not natural and actually can damage the skin in the long term (silent-killer) 


handcrafted luxury :)

🌸Face Oil Mary Jardin 
✅ Easily diffuse into your skin, not sticky@oily 
✅100% natural & organic 
✅100% botanical oil based
✅No preservatives added
✅Premium ingredients : Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil, Lavender oil, Vit E, Avocado Oil, Buckhorn Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Rosehip Oil.

Face oil is the best choice you could have ever made for your skin! 
Premium yet affordable.
I assure you that. In sha Allah :)

Many thanks for reading this entry.
In the next post, I'll make a comparison between available Face Oils in the market. Stay tuned :)



Salmon Collagen



salmon :D


Salmon Collagen helps to boost collagen production within the body by providing a great source of essential and non-essential amino acids that are key for protein synthesis in the body; proteins used for muscle repair and growth, and skin repair.


+ 7 times better than 'talapia collagen' available in most other skincare products

+ able to brighten the skin tone

+ repair and beautify the damaged skin structures

+ remove the scars effectively

+ reduce pigmentation problem

+ help to fight acne


+ protect the skin cells

+ regenerate tissues in the skin cells

explore further here


Salmon Collagen is one of the premium ingredients in our Serum.
In fact, its main function is to repair cells and act as sunblock (SPF30) 
*I'll elaborate on SPF30 in the next post :)

Image result for mary jardin serum
one price for all these problems 

Mary Jardin Serum is effective for these problems;
+ acne
+ pigmentation
+ scars

That's all for today! 
Thank you for reading this post :D





Assalamualaikum :)

Tonight, i'll share about acne :)
I believe that some of us (or is it many of us?? hehe) faced this problem.
It can be caused by many factors; like hormones, wrong choice of skincare products @ eating habits.
This skin problem is fought by many since it can actually reduce your confidence level when meeting with people; or at some point it may scare people just looking at the face full with pimples :'(

Since a photo worth a thousand words, I guess it's good to serve you with info-graphic below :D

acne hurts :'(
Mild acne (blackheads+whiteheads)

moderate acne


 we are glad to help you regain confidence :)

our offers to remove your acne :)

Honestly, I received many first-hand testimonies from my circles (friends + relatives) that after using Mary Jardin products, it proved to fight the formation of acne effectively :D

This evening, a friend told me that she no longer had big pimples (or what should i call it??) on her face; or even if it is there, it will easily disappear within a day. Wow!

Spread the khayr :)



Spend Wisely


Assalamualaikum :)

Image result for lavender
smell of lavender becomes a therapy :)

One tips for spending wisely is :


To make it more efficient, plan it altogether with its price :D
Meaning that, if you plan to buy hour household items; most probably you are already used with its price, isnt it?

When you go to a mall with a To-Buy list at hand, you'll not only save cost but your time as well :)

You'll grab all the items required and in-line with your budget.
Usually I'll spare some amount called 'emergency cash'. Hehe
You might want to use it for some items that caught your attention at that time, but still within your budget :D

It may be a very simple tips from me, but so long it is beneficial, then it is worth sharing :)



MJ's Agent System


Assalamualaikum :)

happiness is the smell of lavender :D

Hey, anis ! How come you're looking so desperate looking for new agents? How much do you get for each agents registered??

Hihihi. Calm down guys. Give me some space to explain about our agents system :D


First thing first I'm glad to say that our system is not such like Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). Dont misunderstood. Not all MLM is bad, some even have their own Shariah members to approve their products :)
Anyhow, ours is not MLM, okayy. 

At Mary Jardin, if A recruited B; A will not get a cent of what the new agent has paid for the registration fee. The fee will go direct to the HQ. 

So, what is the benefit for A??

A will get something more precious than the cents@a portion of the fees, which is B.


Yes, B is an asset for A. Why??
Because A+B will work together, boosting sales and both will get the benefit.

It may not be as easy as it sounds,but yes; at MJ, it works that way :)

And A top the list in the group, A wont be able to claim bonus for all the downlines. Nope. 

At MJ, our concept is Spread the Khayr.
The more, the merrier :D


*Interested to know further? Do contact me :)



Unique Selling Point



Image result for lavender
We deliver lavender from the wilderness right to your skin :)

Tonight, I'll share about Unique Selling Point (USP) of Mary Jardin.
Wait. Beforehand, what is USP? Anyone?? 


The unique selling proposition (USP) or unique selling point is a marketing concept first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern in successful advertising campaigns of the early 1940s. The USP states that such campaigns made unique propositions to customers that convinced them to switch brands. The term was developed by television advertising pioneer Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Theodore Levitt, a professor at Harvard Business School, suggested that, "Differentiation is one of the most important strategic and tactical activities in which companies must constantly engage."[1] The term has been used to describe one's "personal brand" in the marketplace.[2] Today, the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects. (Source)

Simply put, USP is something that distinguishes your product from other brands.
I hope you got it! :)


  • Skincare product
  • Plant-based
  • Ingredients; from organic source
  • Founded by a medical doctor with experience in dermatologist area
  • Vegetarian-friendly 
  • Homemade
  • Exclusive packaging
  • Premium 
  • Affordable price


I am so grateful knowing this product and would love to share my happiness with you.
I've never used any skincare before, but this first experience proved to be the best and absolutely, I'll stay at Mary Jardin's territory. Hehe

I am proud the fact that Dr.Maryam al Batul, the founder is an IIUM-Alumni :D

She really nailed it!

This is the product that is awaited by many, i bet. No wonder it achieved it first million ringgit sales only after three months of launching the brand. Superb!!

I do believe that when people mention about safe skincare, without harmful chemicals ; MJ will now top the list. Yeahh.

That's all for tonight.

Thanks for reading this entry :)





Image result for positive quotes
Positive okay. It never rains forever ;)


*Pardon me for the long absence 

This gonna be my first post for the year :D


During my undergraduate and postgraduate study, I never missed to target 4.00 CGPA every semesters. Hehe. Though i never achieved that point , I maintained a very positive mindset that I can do this ! This is possible !
But. Wait. I still scored every semesters and I'm glad to say; it all starts with a POSITIVE mindset.

And now, with Mary Jardin.
Here the story goes :)

There are two parts of it:
1. Me with -1 (read negative 1, means worse than 0 :p) business experience & background
2. A beauty dummy


I never ever sold anything in my life up until I joined MJ. hehehe
Business and me? A big NO.
It's just doesn't match. haha (this is just a mindset; which we have the power to change)

One day, scrolling my FB, i saw posts about Mary Jardin, signed up for a free class conducted by Dr.Maryam and the next day, Im proud to announce myself as Mary Jardin Agent :D

I was so positive that I can do this eventhough I started at -1 point. I prayed to Allah beforehand to guide me. It was a big decision for me, because once I joined, I dont want to step back. That's me. I really prayed to Allah to guide me and help me. Alhamdulillah :)

I dont wait long to start because, I do believe; FAST ACTION, FAST RESULT!

I just followed everything being taught by stockist @ Dr Maryam @ Dr Athiq.

Alhamdulillah, my group is now slowly growing under the name of #SimplyGorgeousMJ, with me being the leader :)


The first time I ever put anything on my face was during my postgraduate study, using Soap from a brand with wudhu' friendly tagline :)
I used no creams, no compact powder, no sunblock, no no no.

The only reason i was so attracted by MJ is ; it is natural, organic, homemade and safe in sha Allah :)

I dont care about any skincare, i never used any types of cleanser before; hence when i started applying MJ products; I feel so confident and positive that this Mary Jardin has a very bright future. 

I noticed that some friends are kinda surprised knowing me promoting Mary Jardin whilst i never care about skincare or beauty before. I only focused on books :p

I didnt take that as a hurdle but a challenge for me to dig deeper about skincare and cosmetics. Positive!

I assure you that Mary Jardin is a very exclusive and premium product, yet affordable :D

