
Hello 2018


Assalamualaikum. How are you ladies? :)

I know it is not nice of me, promised that i'll update the blog but went away for more than a month leaving this blog bare huu

And it is almost a month we are all in the new year and i believed many of us still got hanged up on 2017 when writing the dates. Seem hard to leave 2017 huh? haha

So, what's going on with Mary Jardin? 

We are on promotion currently until 15th February but many items already sold out.

Turning one year into business i am yet to achieve what i wanted when i first joined in. It is a long way to go and i am really proud of those who has made it. Mary Jardin has turned many ladies as successful women alhamdulillah :)

Oh, i nearly forgot MJ has just launched its own cosmetic brand, mary Jardin Artisan Cosmetic (MJAC).